
You really thought I was going to give you my name? Not happening.

What I will tell you:

I’m a public school teacher. I’ve taught elementary school for [double-digit] years.

So yes, that means I live in the United States. Not specifying region or state, because hello, undercover.

I’m a reader, a learner, a history buff. I’m trying my hand at writing here.

I’m undercover to stay employed. (Although if you’ve read this for awhile, you know that even being undercover I haven’t always been successful.) There are lots of edubloggers out there who attach their names to their work, and good for them.  I’m not one of them. I realize that limits me as far as sharing my work and getting noticed, but that’s the price I pay for shielding my identity, and I’m okay with that. Mostly.

And I’m a BAT because I’m a badass teacher. In an undercover, subversive sort of way. It takes all kinds, right?

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Cheryl McKinley May 29, 2015 / 1:10 am

    Dear Undercover BAT,
    Are you really out of a job? Where do you live? Because there is a huge shortage of teachers here in Northern California. All over California, actually, and I think all over the Western States, there is dearth of subs, and available teachers. We are especially in need of Speech Therapists and other special Ed teachers.
    Good luck with whatever you do!


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